As a fan of MJ, I love the man's brilliance. As a fan of MJ, I am touched by his exelleence. Last night, I went to the movies to bask in the glory of GOD's gift to the world that was and is Michael Jackson. The movie depics MJ what would have been MJ last "curtain call" as he called it, and it shows just how in charge and in tune he was with his craft.
There were certain instances in the movie where he would be direction the musicians on how and what key to play in, he would direct the dancers when to come in and at what level they should show up, and he show the humility of a man who was more in touch with GOD than most of us today. Almost after every instance where he would correct someone, he would say "with love." When ever someone did something that he like or that was done correctly he would say "GOD Bless you." It is that humbleness and that beauty that separated MJ from any and every entertainer that is, was or ever will be.
Hon Min Louis Farrakhan's lecture titled The Crucifixion of Michael Jackson, he made a statement about a conversation he had with MJ:
In a conversation with Brother Michael, when he was in deep depression, I said, “Michael, out of our pain came our creative genius. If it were not for the pain of slavery, we wouldn't have Spirituals. Nor would we have Blues or Gospel. All of that came from our pain.” I said, “Let your pain, Michael, serve your creative genius.”
Michael wanted to fight the powers that were controlling him and trying to steal his legacy. He was a wise young man. What you don't understand about the enemy is that when they fear you, the first thing they must do is destroy your reputation. Then, destroy your wealth. And if you're still alive, they say Black people can have him, because he's no more; has no more money. The enemy says: “He's a broken man. You can have him now.”
See, Michael was much more than a man of “song and dance.” Michael was a heart that beat for the love of humanity. I love this brother. And I feel a deep sense of personal loss.

-Justin Hires

I don't know how I feel about this one. Hampton University, an HBCU, crowned its first White Miss Hampton University and it is getting mixed reviews from students on campus.....shout out to WorldStarHipHop for the vid....
Wavy.com also had an article telling more of the story of how this happened....
HAMPTON, Va. - Nikole Churchill was crowned Miss Hampton University, but many students on campus are upset at the judges' choice. Churchill of Hawaii became the competition's first "non-black" winner and while some say race is the underlying problem students have with the win, others say that accusation is way off the mark.
Go to Hampton University's website and you'll see "respect" listed number one under its code of conduct. The school requires "an appreciation for other cultures," but on October 9, that "appreciation," for some, seemed to go out the door as the Miss HU crown went on Nikole Churchill's head.
"Since some people are specifically mentioning her race, I think that's a step in the wrong direction," says Misha Lawrence, Hampton University Junior Class President....

We have either seen or heard about Kanye West's infamous Taylor Swift incident at the VMA's this year. There were reports that he would take some time out to gather himself and try and get his life together. According to HipHopWired, Kanye is heading to the east..India that is....
ContinueThe word is after the Taylor Swift-gate Ye was going to take some time off. Then came news of Kayne backing out of the highly anticipated Fame Kills Tour with Lady Gaga and the never ending photo ops with Amber Rose.
Now Kayne is reportedly spending a month at a Hindu retreat in India.
There has been a lot of speculation about some of the choices Kanye West has been making in his life since the death of his mother in 2007 due to complications during surgery. Some say the 32 year old Ye has lost his way.
It seems West is taking some time out now for a religious retreat to reassess his life at a Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, a small coastal town in South India. According to an inside source he sees his life going in the wrong direction and feels badly about the VMA's incident.
I knew Kanye was headed for a sabbatical when I heard the Beyonce "Ego" Remix featuring the Chi-town rapper. These lyrics made me think he was headed for disaster.
Now im standing next to Jay who standing next to B
Could've been anywhere in the world but you're here with me
That's good for my ego, ha ha, me and my ego
And he go everywhere we go
My ego is my imaginary friend
He was with me when I was only imagining
I had dreams of the league,
one day I'd play Kobe or walk up to Puff
and he would really know me.
Couldn't let the dream killers kill my self-esteem.
Or use the arrogance as the steam that power my dreams and my ego

According to website HelloBeautiful, we finally get to see Pryor's life on the big screen...
You read right ladies and gents!!!! According to EW.com, Marlon Wayans has been slated to play the late, great funnyman Richard Pryor in the upcoming biopic, Richard Pryor: Is It Some thing I Said?
Last year, the rumor was that Eddie Murphy was said be in the works as Pryor, but things changed after the production company was switched.
Read more details below:
Sources tell EW.com that Wayans fought for the role, blowing the producers away with a 13- min screen test where he “transforms into Pryor.” The movie depicts Pryor’s controversial brand of comedy and his battle with drugs and is currently budgeted at $20 million. Chris Rock, Pryor’s widow Jennifer Lee Pryor and Mark Gordon are also lined up to produce. Producers are still working out the terms of Wayans’ deal, and other major aspects of the overall project have not been finalized. Sony did not respond to requests for comment.
The movie is rumored to be written and directed by Bill Condon (Dreamgirls).
Will you go see the movie?
Check out celebs bring the best of the best to life!

I went to MSN.com yesterday and one of the posts that was up said "Does Obama Deserve The Nober Peace Prize". Other conservatives are bashing him and just plain upset that he of all people, a Black President, would be endowed with this honor. According to NewsOne, more people are hating on our president....
Erick Erickson, the managing editor of RedState.com, the largest online community of conservative activists and the most widely read right of center blog on Capitol Hill said:
I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing I can think of for this news. There is no way Barack Obama earned it in the nominations period.
Another report from NewsOne(originally from the HuffingtonPost) cites that Arizona residents are praypainting "kill obama" slogans throughout the city......
I just pray that GOD keeps this man alive long enough for us to see if he can do some real change...From HuffingtonPost.com:
“Kill Obama” was spray painted in purple on campaign signs at two locations in Cave Creek, a suburb of Phoenix, according to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO).
“This is a complete disgrace and gross act towards our president,” said Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, “My deputies are looking into all avenues of the incident, and it is a top priority.”
Neither campaign sign is connected to national politics. One supports a measure that would allow Walmart to open a location in Cave Creek. The other supports a school budget increase to lower class sizes for kindergarten through third grade.
According to MCSO, there are currently no known suspects or witnesses. Anyone with information is asked to call MCSO at 602-876-1011.
The Phoenix area has had a run of high-profile racist incidents recently. Last weekend, an interracial couple was gunned down while walking through a park last weekend after a stranger with a shaved head and tattoos asked the African-American man why he was “with a white woman.” Residents of Fountain Hills, another Phoenix suburb, were terrorized recently by racist vandalism that included anti-Semitic and pro-KKK imagery.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which regularly tracks hate groups as part of its mission, says hate groups are growing in Arizona. Two national Nazi events are scheduled to be held in the Phoenix area in the coming weeks: a national Nazi festival in Tonopah in October and a national neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement rally in early November. And a national Neo-Nazi festival is scheduled to be held in Tonopah, another suburb of Phoenix, on October 24th.
Other opinions on Obama Peace Prize....
President Shimon Peres of Israel, sent a letter to President Obama on Friday morning, saying: “Very few leaders if at all were able to change the mood of the entire world in such a short while with such a profound impact. You provided the entire humanity with fresh hope, with intellectual determination, and a feeling that there is a lord in heaven and believers on earth.”
Supportive but Skeptical:
Nils Butenschon, director of the Norwegian Center for Human Rights at the University of Oslo and a well-known human rights champion in Norway, went so far as to say the committee has risked the authority of the peace prize by awarding it to Mr. Obama before he has accomplished much of substance.
“It seems premature to me,” Mr. Butenschon said. “I think the committee should be very careful with the integrity of the prize, and in this case I don’t think we are in a position to really evaluate the full impact of what this candidate has achieved. Sometimes of course the prize is awarded to people who are in the process of making history, so to speak, but in this case I think it is too early to know that.”
Completely Against:
Khaled Al-Batsh, a leader of the militant Islamic Jihad in Gaza, condemned the award, saying it “shows these prizes are political, not governed by the principles of credibility, values and morals,” Reuters reported. “Why should Obama be given a peace prize while his country owns the largest nuclear arsenal on earth and his soldiers continue to shed innocent blood in Iraq and Afghanistan?”

WASHINGTON — President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” a stunning honor that came less than nine months after he made United States history by becoming the country’s first African-American president.Also be ready for all the haters that are going to something to say against this decision. I have already heard reports that plenty of people are saying he does not deserve such an honor and that he has done nothing in peace efforts. All I know is that GOD does not make mistakes, so either he did do something or he is going to do something...Peep the vid for more...The award, announced in Oslo by the Nobel Committee while much of official Washington — including the president — was still asleep, cited in particular the president’s efforts to rid the world of nuclear weapons.
“He has created a new international climate,” the committee said.
For Mr. Obama, one of the nation’s youngest presidents, the award is an extraordinary recognition that puts him in the company of world leaders such as Mikhail S. Gorbachev, who won for helping to bring an end to the cold war, and Nelson Mandela, who sought an end to apartheid. But it is also a potential political liability at home; already, Republicans are criticizing the president, contending he won more for his “star power” than his actual achievements.The news shocked people in Oslo — where an audible gasp escaped the audience when the decision was announced — and in Washington, where top advisers to Mr. Obama said they had no idea it was coming. The president was awakened shortly before 6 a.m. by his press secretary, Robert Gibbs, who delivered the news.
“There has been no discussion, nothing at all,” said Rahm Emanuel, the president’s chief of staff, in a brief early morning telephone interview.
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Chris Rock, whose Bad Hair Day movie is set for a release this weekend, is being sued by Regina Kimbal claiming that she had the idea originally. Shout out to NewsOne for the article.....
Original SourceChris Rock is having a bad “Hair” day.
A Los Angeles woman is suing the Brooklyn-bred comic for $5 million, claiming Rock stole her concept for his upcoming documentary, “Good Hair,” reports RadarOnline.com.
Opening Friday, “Good Hair” features such celebrities as rappers Ice-T and Eve, actress Kerry Washington and the Rev. Al Sharpton talking about African-American hairstyles.
In the suit, filed this week in L.A., Regina Kimball stated that she showed her 2005 documentary, “My Nappy Roots: A Journey Through Black Hair-itage,” to Rock on the set of his “Everyone Hates Chris” sitcom two years ago.