By Tha Chill-One & Young Ream on Saturday, October 03, 2009

Man its been a while since I have done this process....BLOGGING that is! The process of editing the site, researching topics, writing articles, pics, etc.....For a while I just was kinda of fed up with all the bs in the world and I needed a break....A break from violence, crime, hate, fear, pain...and then I realized that until people change their mindeset, all of that will stay the same. Well how can the be change unless they know, and how can they know unless they have a teacher, and how can they have a teacher unless he be sent. I'm not saying was sent, but I was given an idea to show people who may not read the newspapers or watch CNN or even care, a chance to see and young brother's point of view.

It is sort of a new beginning and I pray I can bring good news to the believers.....


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